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Mon Aug 26 2024 -

FastComments Can Now Show Comment Viewed Counts

What's New

FastComments now supports showing a count next to each comment that increments live as users view comments. Whether a comment is viewed or not is determined by the user's account or anon session. It supports SSO (both Secure SSO and Simple SSO).

Live Demo

We've enabled a comment view counts for this blog post specifically! Check the count next to the eye on each comment!


You can find the developer documentation for setting up View Counts here.


Counts are not immediately updated, there is a small (up to three second) delay as counts are aggregated and then sent over the network. This is an optimization so that if you have a live event, and a few thousand people view say 10 comments on average on the page, we don't instantly send millions of updates (3000 users x 3000 page loads = ~9 million changes) to every user and bog down their browser or use all their network bandwidth.

In Conclusion

We thank our customers that give us continuous feedback so that we can think of ideas like this and also give us the time to launch well optimized features. We hope you continue to love FastComments.
