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Fri May 22 2020 -

Monthly Engagement Overview With The FastComments Digest

Want a regular reminder of comments that may need attention, without getting emails every hour?

Now you can! As part of this roll out by default all site owners and moderators will get the FastComments Digest, monthly, starting in June.

To opt out, or to configure the frequency, go to My Account -> Notifications.

From there, under Digest Schedule you can pick an option like Weekly or Disabled and hit save.

In terms of what to expect in the email - our goal was to include two things.

Engagement Metrics

The FastComments Digest includes counts for New Comments, New Users, and New Spam. All of these metrics are relative to when the last digest email had been sent.

Each metric also includes an up or down arrow to indicate the change since the last email.

Recent Comments

The Digest email includes up to three recent comments that can directly be approved or responded to by clicking buttons in the email. Approving from this email also marks comments as reviewed. Right now this email is static - however we have a surprise coming in a future release!

Show it to me

Like the rest of FastComments, the Digest email is light, easy to read, and very functional.

The FastComments Digest Email

In Conclusion

We hope you find this scheduled email a useful and friendly reminder of comments that may require approval. We also hope that in the event you don't want to use this feature you find it easy to disable.

If you find something missing from this email, or you have compatibility issues with your email client, please reach out to your customer service representative.