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Wed Feb 12 2020 -

FastComments Default Avatars Using Gravatar

What's an Avatar?

An avatar is the profile icon associated with every account and shown next to every comment.

What's Gravatar?

Gravatar brands themselves as "A Globally Recognized Avatar". It's a service where you can define an avatar for a given email. Any products you sign-up to using that email can then use that avatar. This removes a step for people signing up to FastComments since their avatar is setup automatically.

So what's the change?

FastComments will now pull default avatars from Gravatar. You or or users don't have to do anything to get this feature.

If your existing users have already defined their own avatar - no worries - we aren't going to overwrite their custom avatars. Also, users can still overwrite the Gravatar avatar in FastComments.