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Tue Nov 23 2021 -

FastComments Adds Support for #HashTags

What's New

When commenting, users can now enter one or more #hashtags. Upon clicking a #hashtag in a comment will take you to a view with other comments with the hashtag shown.

Additionally, #hashtags can be used to link to external pieces of content. Along with this release we've launched our HashTag API which allows pre-population of hashtags in your account.

When pre-populating hashtags, we can define a URL for each tag. This means that #hashtags can also be used to link to, for example, a ticket number, or a document in a CRM.

The # symbol can be customized as well, on request.

How to Use It

When typing #, and then the start of a hashtag, a list of search results will appear.

HashTags Usage

Simply click the hashtag you wish to add.

Additionally, you can use the up and down arrow keys to navigate this list, and hit enter to select, or escape to leave.

We know that you may want to use the # symbol without adding a hashtag. FastComments will detect this and not intrude on your typing experience.

Adding Hash Tags

If the hashtag you want to use is not in the list of suggestions - FastComments will simply auto-create the hashtag behind the scenes.

Automatic #hashtag creation can be disabled as per the documentation here.

Who Gets It

All current and new FastComments customers, on all tiers, now have access to #hashtags. #hashtags have been back-ported to earlier versions of the comment widget, as well.

How the Autocomplete Works

The tags shown in the autocompleted list are only from your account. HashTags are not shared across FastComments tenants.


There is dedicated documentation for #hashtags. See here:

In Conclusion

Like the rest of FastComments, we hope that you find this feature fast and easy to use.
