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Mon Oct 09 2023 -

New ChatGPT 4 Based Spam Filter.

What's New

FastComments continues to improve its Naïve-Bayes spam classifier, however we have added a new option to the fleet of spam detectors.

You can now detect spam using ChatGPT 4 provided by OpenAI.

Getting It

To configure which spam detector to use, check the Moderation Settings page in your admin dashboard. The GPT4-based spam detector is billed at $0.08 every 1000 tokens.

This spam detector is only available for customers on a Flex plan as it is billed based on tokens used.


We first pass all content through the shared Naïve-Bayes classifier to limit calls to OpenAI. This saves you money for very obvious spam. For the extra sneaky spam, we then call over to OpenAI to see if the content looks like spam.


We observed immediate improvements to the communities that have turned this feature on.


This can be setup via the Moderation Settings page in your admin dashboard.

Documentation can also be found here

In Conclusion

We thank our customers that give us continuous feedback so that we can think of ideas like this. We hope you continue to love FastComments.
